Tuesday, April 17, 2007

blog love

When we first decided to start this blog (you know, like last week) we did a quick google blog search to see if there was anything else like it. Obviously there are tons of blogs about design, hand made goods, stuff to buy, etc, but we wanted to see if there was anything that specifically dealt with stationery, letter writing, handwriting in general...but we couldn't really find one. So now we turn to you, attentive blog readers. Do you have any blogs you'd like to recommend? We want to make friends, meet people, add more links to our blog roll... Most of all, we want to know what you love to read and what we can add that you haven't been able to find. [TRS 80 photo provided by berangberang]


Anonymous said...

I do know of one other stationery specific blog in case you want to check it out.


My favorite blog to read....artist Keri Smith's:


jotter said...

thanks heidi! we'll check those out.