Tuesday, September 4, 2007


you know, owls really don't get their due. they're the most under-utilized avians we can think of, and that's really a shame because look how expressive they are. So much better than, say, Nicholas Cage. and this print underneath is called "ready for fall." We couldn't agree more. 3 cards for $7 or 1 for $3. Print = $3, as well.

[via design*sponge]

Thursday, August 30, 2007

what a boar

called the "boring boar," we think the name is not completely apt. this card would be a hilarious choice for when your message is not quite standard, like "sorry i've been such a bore lately" or "i'm happier than a pig in shit when i'm with you." well, you get what we're trying to say. $2 each from time2cre8

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

i'm so happy i could...

well, we do love libraries. of course that's a rather unorthodox side effect of sheer joy, but who are we to judge? 5 pockets and cards for $7 from ambientdesignjewels [via poppytalk]

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

beachy blues

even though neither of us are in school, we can't ignore that "back to school" feeling. summer is more or less over, but we're savoring the last scraps of the season. these cards from lizard press are a big help...well, these top three anyway. the other two are just plain fun. [via design*sponge]

Monday, August 27, 2007

modern nostalgia

who says that silhouettes belong to cameos and other reliquary? we're loving these modern outlines from printed matter. their images are refreshingly simple and they kind of remind us of ipod ads. $3.50 each [via decor8]